Sunday, July 24, 2016

Setting the trap

Lilliendethar, the dockmaster for Poisson introduces herself to the new owners of the Hexton. She offers them a choice - they can continue to make Orm's normal shipments -  but the way Orm described their capabilities in a scrap makes her believe they are better suited for more interesting work. She describes the way some local goblin pirates have been raiding ships sailing between Poisson and Montesser lately, and asks the crew if they are willing to deal with the situation.

The crew quickly agrees and asks a few questions to get an idea of what they're up against. Lilli believes that the pirates are operating primarily nearby; and appear to favor stealth over direct action - mainly engaging at night and in the darkness. Since none of the reported attacks are very far from the local area; she thinks they may be using a smaller vessel that is easier to maneuver and hide. Based on what they found in the small cave up the river and further information, the pirates favor small, valuable prizes and specialty items.

The party realizes they may need some backup in the open waters, and interviews a handful of potential new shipmates - picking up a mixed lot of capable combatants and sailors to help them operate the Hexton in these dangerous waters.

Their morning business completed, the group hatches a plan - they need some bait.  Rional and Salek go find Lilli to ask about some cargo while Ishmael and the others stay behind and get to know the new recruits.

One of the other ships in the dock - The Danny; had to put in for emergency repairs on their way to Montesser. They were carrying the normal sort of load of trade goods and commodities, but they also had a special shipment - one chest for a local aristocrat to be moved from his summer home to his normal residence. A circlet, some chalices and jeweled cups worth a hefty price - and the commission of 10% of their value to complete the shipment to boot seems the perfect lure. The crew of the Danny seem relieved to be rid of it given the reputation of the area.

Rional and Salek specifically request that Lilli let on what's happening, and by the next day's high tide it seems everyone on the docks is talking about the priceless cargo in their hold.

As the tide goes out, the Hexton sets sail for Montesser. Hugging the coastline in a light rainstorm, the first day goes smoothly, making good time in the mild wind. As evening approaches, watches are set. The early part of the night is quiet, as is the first portion of the second watch, but with the rain subsiding Orcanthus and Salek both hear a faint, rhythmic splash of oars from the northwest.

The other vessel is not running lights, and is apparently trying very hard to be quiet.  Orca sends Audrey and Gerbrecht to wake the others while he lights his bullseye lantern. Once all hands are on deck, and with the unknown vessel now sounding much closer, he sends the spotlight into the night.

Immediately illuminating the front half of a blacked out Keelboat. There is a human at the gunner's position on a light bombard, and 5 goblins around him. Two are preparing to  throw grapnel hooks, one is standing by to aid with the bombard and the other two are ready with javelins. Immediately the human fires, knocking a small chunk off the keel of the Hexton.

The opposing ships trade small arms fire with each other - Ishmael lands alchemists' fire at the base of their sail, causing a little panic. A few crossbow bolts find their marks, but these goblins are made of  sterner stuff than the ones they had left behind.

An unlucky fumble of the goblin reloading the bombard spills gunpowder over the bow decking. Ishmael sees an opportunity and lands a second alchemist's fire right in the unlucky goblin's lap, lighting off the spilled powder and detonating the remaining powder kegs by the bombard. Three goblins are blown clear of the ship, two bobbing unmoving in the waves with the third meeting Kambylia's rough and tumble companion dolphin.

As the blackened, now somewhat flaming ship draws up alongside the Hexton, Orcanthus jumps into the fray, laying about with his halberd, projectiles flying all around. Heavily outnumbered, Orca dives into the water quickly after; but sowed enough confusion to buy time for the Hexton's crew to whittle away at the attackers.

With kobolds now coming on deck as the darkened vessel pulls in its sweeps, Ishmael drops the anchor at the front of the Hexton to  pull the ship quickly around to bring the ballista to bear. The sudden lurch, and resulting impact knock several goblins and one of the humans to the ground. The human never had the chance to get back up.

Salek releases the bolt on the ballista but it goes wide. With the ships now locked together, the captain of the pirate vessel leads the goblinoid crew on a desparate charge to try to gain the deck of the Hexton, while Orcanthus hacks away at the heavily damaged prow. With the deck of their keelboat slightly below that of the Hexton, it is an ill-considered tactic. Audrey, Daka, Salek and Ishmael hold the line at the rail, repelling all boarders while Kambylia peppers the emerging Kobolds with her crossbow.

The rear line of kobolds put enough sling stones in the air to put Rional out of action until Kambylia can apply some healing magic. Ancariel backs Audrey up when she wavers. The three remaining kobolds stay well back from the rail, preferring instead to use their slings. With a crack and a groan, an audible rush of water give testament to Orcanthus' success. As the pirate boat begins to list, the kobolds abandon ship to try to swim to shore.

Salek and Daka each manage to grab one of the humans' remains. Orca, having been swept into the hold in the rush of water; is also able to retrieve a small chest from the hold of the doomed ship. The captain of the Cruel Demon had a folded piece of parchment paper. The note was signed by Oth, ordering Ja'bar al-`Abbasi to lead the goblins, referencing but not naming another commander higher up with some fear. There are also orders to meet up with Oth and the Bedlam Moon at Temil to the south in three days time.