Friday, January 1, 2016

The dead city of Rhubar

Session: 12/11/2015
Party: Life in MERP
Point of view: Thvaknar

The chosen archway in the room of doors was filled with a strange mist - ephemeral as smoke and opaque as a thick fog. I entered first, and as soon as my friends were lost behind me I found myself in a small clearing in a jungle. No room, no doorway to return, just thick and heavy growth all around me. The rest soon followed, appearing out of nothing to join me in this unknown place.

The first thing we needed to do was try to find out any thing we can in terms of where we might be. Maleth was in a strange sort of funk after reading an ancient book of Eogren lore found with the barrow wights; even more withdrawn than usual, so Ragnar ended up volunteering to climb a nearby tree to try to get a view above the treeline. Seems a bit odd to send a dwarf climbing trees, but he was better at it than expected, and soon reached the top. After getting a look around he returned to us to report.

He described seeing an area of scrub land, south by south-west of the clearing, a good ways off. It seemed to be populated, but none of the people he saw were moving with much purpose. To the west, about a mile or so there was a wall, with a gate.

The daylight was starting to wane, so we were setting up for camp when a Man stumbled into our camp. Immediately Maleth starts mumbling something, almost rhythmic but I couldn't understand it. The person didn't seem to even notice we were there, just aimlessly shuffling in a relatively straight line. The eyes were dull, flat and lifeless; an undead. Maleth finished his rhythmic mumble and a great blue bolt of lightning flashed from his hands! The arc caught the shuffler directly in the chest, blasting it into several pieces. A tremendous clap of thunder echoed through the jungle. Ragnar and Nestadie both admonished him for causing so much unnecessary noise; he just smirked. That one is dangerous.

We decided that we didn't want to stay in that place anymore. If anything was about and looking for us (or anyone), they certainly knew where we were, so we moved approximately parallel to the wall to a different clearing and set up camp.

Ragnar noticed it first, but we were being watched. Not a mindless automaton this time. Maleth did something to Ozfang that made him very difficult to see, like he was melting into the shadows. Oz crept off into the trees to get closer to the one watching us. I lost track of him as soon as he entered the treeline. I only knew where he was when I heard a small yelp of surprise. Oz had caught up to our intruder and was standing over him.

The watcher turned out to be a small half-orc. We needed information, and this one was no threat so we brought him into the camp. He introduced himself as Rafa, and after giving him something to eat he was able to tell us that we were on the north east edge of the sea of Rhune. He was a former resident of the city of Rhubar, that he described as "dead."

"This used to be a port city of trade and commerce, but lately it is only inhabited by the undead and a few bands of Uruk." Rafa continued, "It started slowly, a few people at a time would disappear and never return. Eventually my parents were among them, then soon after the couple who had taken me in when my parents had gone. I ran away and have been hiding in the woods since. Scavenging what I can to keep myself going."

Ragnar asked, "We are looking for a special forge, do you know if it?" "Yes, I know where the forge is, it is in the city," answered Rafa. "It is within the walled portion of the city, away from the port area, but the city is full of shuffling undead, and is under the dominion of Ignorak, the One That Has Risen, 1st Lieutenant of the Storm King of Kiratandor. He is a very dangerous one, from the first age! He roams the city at night and resides in his tower during the daylight hours"

We thanked Rafa. He agreed to guide us through the city, but we did not want to chance an encounter with the master of this place so we decided to rest this night and enter the city at first light.

Early in the morning we made our way to the city's main gate. Rafa's description was borne out -- the city was packed tight with undead shuffling aimlessly about, some Men, some Elves, even Dwarves, and others decomposed so far as to be unable to tell what race.

Maleth appeared very nervous, but none of them seem to notice us. As a precaution, Maleth went near one, concentrated for a minute and changed shape right before our eyes, shriveling down and seeming to putrefy until he was a perfect match for the creature in front of him.

Rafa guided us through the dead city's streets, Maleth walked a ways apart, trying to blend in with the denizens of this place. We noticed a few other creatures as well, but couldn't make out what they were, and they stayed mostly out of sight. Through the dead streets and alleys we made our way to the forge. Still none of the inhabitants seemed to pay us any attention. Unfortunately, Rafa didn't understand and this was just the city's normal smithing forge - like any other found in any town.

We turned to leave, to be surprised with a 6-member squad of heavily armed Uruk-Hai. "We are here to take you to the Master!" "We know of the master of this place, and prefer not to be his guests!" "Kill them then!" growls the largest.

Immediately I hear Maleth speak and a thick, acrid cloud appears in the midst of our opponents 4 Uruk begin coughing heavily and do not appear able to move. 2 of them are unaffected and charge out of the cloud. The first approaches Ozfang, Ozfang is able to bite him - but the Uruk is undeterred, and slashes into the warg's foreleg, opening up a ghastly wound.

Rafa had been near me at the time so I quickly had my own problems as the second Uruk yelled something at Rafa and came running. He was intent on our new compatriot, so I was able to drop my bola and step behind the charging aggressor. I could feel my anger begin to rise, with no regard to defense I attacked, swinging overhand against a distracted foe. The heavy head of the morning star struck into the side of his neck with a wet crunch. My target fell; his head at an uncomfortable angle.

Nestadie, seeing Ozfang's injury moved to aid him. Luckily the Uruk there had a delayed reaction to the cloud and began coughing so hard that he could not move. Oz disengagesd and limped toward Nestadia.

Ragnar approached the coughing Uruk to dispatch him, Maleth began to do; what I had come to learn, is cast a spell.

Another pair of uruks from within the cloud recovered enough to approach us. The first seems focused especially on Rafa. As it attacks I concentrate briefly and put a protection ward around him, absorbing the worst of the blow. The second approaches me. I face my shield to him, but I am trying to protect our new small companion. Their focus on him nearly makes my blood boil, and I can feel the battle madness at the edge of my awareness. A focused strike crushes the Uruk's backbone before he can do anything else.

Ragnar finished the coughing uruk while Ozfang's injury was mended by Nestadia. One more uruk emerged from the cloud, this time it advanced on Ragnar. It was quickly brought down by the combined effort of a flaming sword-wielding dwarf and a freshly healed warg. My remaining opponent managed to score a couple of small strikes beyond my shield, but nothing that could slow me down. I was able to keep him busy long enough for Ragnar and Oz to finish him.

Maleth finished his spell - not lightning this time. He consumed the mind of the final Uruk. As the acrid cloud dissipated, we learned that the forge we were seeking is not in the city. He pointed in the general direction of the first clearing where we emerged from the room of doors. The forge itself was behind a magically locked door - one that Ignorak has been unable to open. He needs one of "purer heart" to open it.

Maleth warned us that the enthrallment will not last forever. When we learned that there are several ships in the harbor filled with Uruk, we instructed the captivated one to go there and try to set as many of them on fire as possible. We didn't want him anywhere near us when the spell wore off.

We pushed our way back out of the city, through the crowds of undead. Once out of the city, we headed in the direction indicated by our captive, but we followed the river instead of going deeper into the jungle. As we travel we found a heavy door embedded in a hillside. After some effort, we managed to get it open enough to enter - hoping we have found the entrance to our goal.

What we found however was not a forge. A tomb. We turned to leave, but were blocked by the spirit of the one laid to rest. It shrieks and moves to attack. I was able to connect with the bola, but not slow it down. It seemed to be able to summon weapons from the floor into its hand, a large axe appearing in its claw-like hand. I move to intercept. As its weapon touches me, I feel the very life draining from me. Thankfully there are several of us, and only one of it and it is quickly dissipated.

The light outside is fading, it is time to rest. We now have a general direction, but I am not sure how we are going to open the door to the forge, what is meant by "purer heart"?

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