Sunday, June 26, 2016

Auspicious Beginnings

Capt. Orm chooses his prospective crew, A pair of Aventi, a barbarous Darfellan, an enthusiastic Hadozee, a mystical Man and a very quiet elf.

The prospects receive their first task, the captain will not leave without his new seeing glass that is due to be picked up at the local glazier. As the crew soon discovers, retrieving the scope is not a simple shopping trip.

After picking up a few hints about goblin raiders nearby, the crew track down the goblin's lair. No watercraft is present, leaving only a smaller contingent of sentries and guards. Taking the direct approach, the orca-marked barbarian steps right through the rough-made choke-point. With the Darfellan acting as a very effective distraction, the party decimates several waves of combined kobold and goblin defenders; they learned that day that Darfellan teeth are not just for show. The wizard's familiar also made his mark; and a well-timed spell incapacitated the rest.

Searching the hideout reveals some small treasures, Orm's spyglass and an odd jade gem fragment, striped in a maroon ruby-like crystal. The elf was able to detect a latent magic within the fragment, somehow related to the sea.

It was well past dark by the time the prospects return to the dock. They awaken the captain to deliver his glass, and Orm welcomes them to the Hexton as his crew.

In the morning, the freshly minted crew spend some time familiarizing themselves with the ship and discover some odd embellishments to the rudder linkage, terminating in a golden socket atop the steering post.

Orm notices their confusion and describes the previous usage of the fittings - in the steering post socket there was a maroon crystal gem with jade stripes fitted their. In feuding with his brother Oth, the gem was broken into three fragments. Two of which were stolen the previous day by Oth, the third remaining currently lost.

Rional shows Orm the jade fragment they had found - Orm explains the reversal. Fitted to his holy emblem is another socket, this one a perfect match for the green shard. The completed gems - when fitted to their respective sockets allow remote control of the ship. These gem pairs are rare, but not unique; and anyone actively using a pair can sense any other user within 100 miles.

By now, the tide is going out, and as the Hexton is an honest merchant ship, it is time to shove off to Barrish. The two-day journey there is uneventful, and after a day unloading and reloading a ship they set sail to return to Poisson. On the second day, they are approached by another ship - flying no colors.

Orm warns the crew to stand ready, but not to open fire. As the approaching dhow closes the distance the crew can see that its weapons are not loaded. The uknown ship stops just inside shouting distance as a familiar figure appears at the rail. The red vest of Oth. Oth offers the new crew the opportunity to join his pirate fleet if they turn on Orm. As the crew considers or awaits orders, the dhow turns away.

Growing impatient, Oth brings the dhow back around, and the crew can now see the loaded ballista aimed directly at the Hexton.

As the Hexton and the Bedlam Moon trade fire, Jenesar dives into the water to accost the Moon directly. Gripping the rudder, he swings wildly with his halberd; taking divots from the linkage. The steersman tries to shake him off, nearly crushing the barbarian. With a final defiant strike, Jenesar severs the post connecting the rudder to the ship's wheel; returning to the Hexton to watch the Moon limp away, the sweeps obviously struggling to compensate.

After returning to Poisson, Orm; haggard and exhausted explain to the crew that he no longer hears the call of the sea. He bequeaths the Hexton and all in it to the new crew, to continue his monastic studies.

The crew now has a ship; the seas are open to explore! Adventure and Profit awaits!

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