Friday, June 17, 2016

Seas of Penance: Preview and Teaser

You, and a surprisingly diverse set of other people have answered the call of the sea. Captain Orm Sorenson is looking to refresh his crew. He runs an honest shipping crew and will tolerate neither fools nor the foolish.

Everyone has arrived at the appointed time - at the ramp to the Hexton, but Capt. Orm has not made his appearance. An uncomfortable period of minutes pass, and a few of the surlier members of the crowd begin to move away - grumbling of timeliness and too much ale on the part of their prospective employer. The more patient among you remain. Patience is rewarded, as an olive-skinned man appears at the top of the ramp with a small, banded wooden chest slung over his shoulder. He quickly as he briskly walks down the ramp. He skirts the edge of the group and continues up along the pier, disappearing among the normal hubbub of the docks.

Loud cursing and scuffling erupts from the Hexton, as a paler, stouter male rushes to the ship's railing. His cheeks are flushed and he appears out of breath. He quickly glances up and down the dock. As his eyes fall on the small crowd, he huffs one last time, straightens his greatcoat and traverses the short distance to the timbers of the dock.

As he walks the line of candidates, he explains that part of the reason he is short on crew is an increase in piracy in the local waters. They have become more dangerous to sail, and a recent skirmish left several of his cohort either dead or maimed to the point of uselessness.

He needs new recruits, who know their way around ships, and are useful in a scrap. Some to man the large shipboard weapons - ballista to the fore and a catapult to the rear, and some to repel any boarders. Others - glaring significantly away toward the crowded loading docks; could be used to stand better watch against thieves.

First and foremost! The crew need to trust their captain enough to take orders! I will choose a few who appear worthy, and they will have the opportunity to prove it!

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